Tunick Family - Tree
Tunick Family - Tree
Estelle Faith Tunick
9 Jul 1929 -
1 spouse 2 children
Benjamin Rueben Radin
Darrell m Radin
Larry Radin
David Tunik
11 Feb 1904 - 8 Apr 1976
Sarah Olive Lipsky
10 Aug 1906 - 1 Dec 2003
Louis Tunik
5 Mar 1883 - 24 Jan 1953
3 spouses 11 children
Sarah Rosofsky (Rasofsky) (Rosen)
George Tunik
Minnie Tunick
Max Tunick
Pauline L Tunick
Sylvia Julia (JuJu) Tunick
Edythe Tunick
Sylvia Tunik
Goldie (Gelde) Ostropol
David Tunik
John Tunick
Robert Tunick
Eugene Tunick
Rose Unknown
Goldie (Gelde) Ostropol
17 Jan 1881 - 13 Jan 1972
1 spouse 4 children
Louis Tunik
David Tunik
John Tunick
Robert Tunick
Eugene Tunick
Louis Lipsky
15 May 1875 - 14 Jan 1961
2 spouses 5 children
Dora Zippin
Sarah Olive Lipsky
Leon N Lipsky
Samuel Nathan Lipsky
Anna Lipsky
Bertha Leichtman
Minnie Lipsky
Dora Zippin
1873 - 23 Oct 1939
1 spouse 4 children
Louis Lipsky
Sarah Olive Lipsky
Leon N Lipsky
Samuel Nathan Lipsky
Anna Lipsky
Abraham Tunik
abt 1863 - 1921
Fanny (Feiga) Israelevich
abt 1865 - 17 Mar 1941
Gus Kriedman
William (Chaim Wolf) Lipsky
1845 - 11 Mar 1933
Rachael Dudkin
1850 - 30 Mar 1950
Isaac (Levi Yitzkzk) Zippin
Esther Dutkin
Philip Israelevich (Israelit)
Frieda Cohen
Mayer Chalepsky
Sarah Unknown
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To protect privacy, dates and places are omitted for living persons (born after 1925 with no death date).
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