Tunick Family - Tree
Tunick Family - Tree
Joel David Jordan
4 spouses 1 child
Margarite Schuster
Shiela P Gold (Zager)
Mathew Jordan
Patricia L Unknown
Miettg Phyllis Goto
Theodore D (Benami) Kaplan ->Jordan
17 Oct 1909 - 21 Sep 2008
2 spouses 2 children
Ruth Lauretta Feingold
Judith L Jordan
Joel David Jordan
Betty Unknown
Ruth Lauretta Feingold
13 Dec 1914 - 24 Jun 2014
2 spouses 2 children
Herbert March Hoffman
Theodore D (Benami) Kaplan ->Jordan
Judith L Jordan
Joel David Jordan
Abraham Kaplan
17 Jan 1885 - 17 Oct 1979
2 spouses 6 children
Sarah (Sadie) Lifsha (Livsha) Baskind Portnoy
Theodore D (Benami) Kaplan ->Jordan
Anna Leah Kaplan
Tzfira Kaplan
Harry Haim Tzvi Hersh Kaplan
Jair Shalom Kaplan
Judith Kaplan
Miriam Zwebner-Meisel Shaag
Sarah (Sadie) Lifsha (Livsha) Baskind Portnoy
20 Mar 1884 - 11 Jan 1958
1 spouse 6 children
Abraham Kaplan
Theodore D (Benami) Kaplan ->Jordan
Anna Leah Kaplan
Tzfira Kaplan
Harry Haim Tzvi Hersh Kaplan
Jair Shalom Kaplan
Judith Kaplan
Joseph Feingold
15 Aug 1884 - 12 Sep 1962
2 spouses 2 children
Ida (Hayah) Bernstein
Maxwell J Fenmore (Feingold)
Ruth Lauretta Feingold
Mollie Pearl Newman
Ida (Hayah) Bernstein
15 Dec 1887 - 8 May 1977
1 spouse 2 children
Joseph Feingold
Maxwell J Fenmore (Feingold)
Ruth Lauretta Feingold
Haim Hirsch Tzvi Kaplan
1855 - 1898
Minnie Mindel Mogilevitch
1858 - 1931
Avraham Mordechai Portnoy
1859 - 1918
Leah Gartenshtein
1864 - 1911
Max Feingold
1850 -
Lea B???ut
1850 -
Yeruchim Nokhimovich (Benjamin) Bernstein
1842 - 12 Feb 1920
Sheira (Sira, Siril, Cecila) Vilenchik (Levine)
1862 -
Nokhum Bernstein (Berenshteyn)
Zelda Slata Unknown
David or Ishiah Vilenchik
Judith Unknown
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To protect privacy, dates and places are omitted for living persons (born after 1925 with no death date).
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