Tunick Family - Tree
Tunick Family - Tree
Benjamin E Alter
15 Oct 1912 - 14 Apr 1954
2 spouses 1 child
Rosetta Rich
Ann Susan Alter Moskowitz
Esther Goodman
Morris Alter
3 Dec 1878 - 23 Jan 1939
1 spouse 8 children
Ethel (Ettie) Baron
Frank Rolland Alter
Bertha Michel Alter
Joeseph Charles Alter
Benjamin E Alter
Katherine Corrine Alter
Herman Alter
Rose Alter
Bess Alter
Ethel (Ettie) Baron
1 Jun 1881 - 30 Oct 1959
1 spouse 8 children
Morris Alter
Frank Rolland Alter
Bertha Michel Alter
Joeseph Charles Alter
Benjamin E Alter
Katherine Corrine Alter
Herman Alter
Rose Alter
Bess Alter
Joseph Alter
1850 - 1906
1 spouse 2 children
Bess (Bunnie) Kotler
Morris Alter
Harry Alter
Bess (Bunnie) Kotler
- 28 Oct 1942
1 spouse 2 children
Joseph Alter
Morris Alter
Harry Alter
Hersh (Harry) Barron
Ethel (Jeada) Warman
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To protect privacy, dates and places are omitted for living persons (born after 1925 with no death date).
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