Tunick Family - Tree
Tunick Family - Tree
Ethel Pernatt
8 Jun 1916 - 21 Sep 1985
2 spouses 3 children
Harry Melvin Meadows
Roberta (Bobbie) Meadows
Gale Mary Meadows
Barry Joseph Meadows
James Alonzo Space
Nathan Pernatt
abt 1894 - bef 1962
1 spouse 2 children
Pauline (Polly) Trombitsky
Adele Pernatt
Ethel Pernatt
Pauline (Polly) Trombitsky
26 Dec 1897 - 25 Nov 1979
1 spouse 2 children
Nathan Pernatt
Adele Pernatt
Ethel Pernatt
Yitchak (Ayzik Kalmanovich) Trombitsky (Trembitskiy, Trumbitzki Trębacki)
1838 - 1909
2 spouses 8 children
Nechama Sarah Aronchick
Khatskel Trombitsky
Shyloma Meer Trombitsky
Pauline (Polly) Trombitsky
Rachel Trombitsky
Chevia Trombitsky
Unknown Trombitsky
Trombitskys First Wife Unknown
Elya Trombitsky
Kalman Yuda Trombitsky
Nechama Sarah Aronchick
1870 - 23 Sep 1942
2 spouses 9 children
Simon (Simcha Boruch) Tunik
Esther Shiva Tunick
Nathan (Naftolya Simkhov Borukhov) Tunik
Bessie (Elka Pesha) Tunik
Yitchak (Ayzik Kalmanovich) Trombitsky (Trembitskiy, Trumbitzki Trębacki)
Khatskel Trombitsky
Shyloma Meer Trombitsky
Pauline (Polly) Trombitsky
Rachel Trombitsky
Chevia Trombitsky
Unknown Trombitsky
Kalman Trombitsky
1817 - ?
Sheyna Unknown
Naftoli Leizerovich (Nochim - Nisan) Aronchick
1852 -
Sophia Unknown
1856 -
Simon Trombitsky
Abram Aronchick
Feyga-Sora Unknown
Lieba Unknown
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To protect privacy, dates and places are omitted for living persons (born after 1925 with no death date).
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