Tunick Family - Tree
Tunick Family - Tree
Martin Freund
21 Nov 1914 - 9 Oct 1995
1 spouse
Bea Ganapol
Joseph Freund
12 Sep 1886 - 31 Jan 1951
1 spouse 3 children
Rose K Kauffmann
Samuel Freund
Martin Freund
Marie Freund
Rose K Kauffmann
5 Mar 1891 - 7 Jan 1968
1 spouse 3 children
Joseph Freund
Samuel Freund
Martin Freund
Marie Freund
Abraham (Adolph) Freund Freund
30 May 1854 - 11 May 1927
2 spouses 7 children
Bertha Pick
Joseph Freund
Hildegard Lea Freund
Otto Freund
Arthur Freund
Antonie Freund
Barbara Steiner
Hermine Freund
Leontine Freund
Bertha Pick
1836 -
1 spouse 5 children
Abraham (Adolph) Freund Freund
Joseph Freund
Hildegard Lea Freund
Otto Freund
Arthur Freund
Antonie Freund
Morris (Moses) Kauffmann
1 spouse 2 children
Minnie Streger
David Kauffmann
Rose K Kauffmann
Minnie Streger
1 spouse 2 children
Morris (Moses) Kauffmann
David Kauffmann
Rose K Kauffmann
Josef Freund
1815 - 23 Jun 1878
Anna (Josefa) Kraus
1820 -
Abraham Freund
Barbara Federer or Friedler
Jakob Kraus
Rachel (Rosalia) Polacek
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To protect privacy, dates and places are omitted for living persons (born after 1925 with no death date).
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