Tunick Family - Tree
Tunick Family - Tree
Dorothy Anne Tunick
1 spouse
Jerome Tannebaum
Henry Harold Tunick
28 Mar 1902 - 31 May 1993
1 spouse 2 children
Emma Liebowitz
Dorothy Anne Tunick
Roberta Tunick
Emma Liebowitz
9 Feb 1903 - Nov 1986
1 spouse 2 children
Henry Harold Tunick
Dorothy Anne Tunick
Roberta Tunick
Abraham Tunick
2 Feb 1865 - 23 Dec 1939
1 spouse 6 children
Ida (Ceil, Ada) Leight (Leith)
Nelie Tunick
Nathan Tunick
Sarah Tunick
Anna E Tunick
Henry Harold Tunick
Robert (Rubin) Tunick
Ida (Ceil, Ada) Leight (Leith)
1865 - 15 May 1947
1 spouse 6 children
Abraham Tunick
Nelie Tunick
Nathan Tunick
Sarah Tunick
Anna E Tunick
Henry Harold Tunick
Robert (Rubin) Tunick
Max Liebowitz
29 Sep 1877 - 18 Jun 1949
1 spouse 3 children
Anna Washkovitz (Moscowitz)
Emma Liebowitz
Jack (Jacob) H Liebowitz -> Lieb
Morris Leo Liebowitz -> Lieb
Anna Washkovitz (Moscowitz)
15 Mar 1881 - 12 Aug 1973
2 spouses 3 children
Max Liebowitz
Emma Liebowitz
Jack (Jacob) H Liebowitz -> Lieb
Morris Leo Liebowitz -> Lieb
Leon Guberman
Samuel S Tunik
abt 1843 - 1925
Dora Light (Getzoff)
abt 1842 -
David Leight (Leid)
Rebecca Unknown
Jacob Liebowitz
Rebecca Hurwitz
Jacob Washkovitz
Nachama Edelson
- 2000
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To protect privacy, dates and places are omitted for living persons (born after 1925 with no death date).
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