Tunick Family - Tree
Tunick Family - Tree
Jacob E Tunik
15 Dec 1880 - May 1972
1 spouse 4 children
Mary E Goldstein
Reuben C Tunick
Helen Charlotte Tunick
William Tunick
Dorothy (Dolly) Tunick
David Samuel (Solomon Shleima) (Davis) Tunick
Mar 1851 - 15 Jan 1925
3 spouses 17 children
Augusta Hagulda (Gussie) Swedlow
Herman Tunick
Benjamin B (Berual) Tunick
Samuel Tunick
Rachel (Rae)(Rose) F Tunick
Irving (Isador) Tunick
Henrietta (Yetta) Tunick
Nathan Tunick
Solomon Tunick
Blanch (Bella) Tunick
Blume Tunick
Anna Horvitz (Ettie Horwitz)
Fannie (Feigle) Tunick
Jacob E Tunik
Abraham Mitchell Tunick
Sarah Tunick
Louis Tunik
Bessie Tunik
Herman Tunick
Mary Gabrielle Unknown
Anna Horvitz (Ettie Horwitz)
1850 - abt 1891
1 spouse 7 children
David Samuel (Solomon Shleima) (Davis) Tunick
Fannie (Feigle) Tunick
Jacob E Tunik
Abraham Mitchell Tunick
Sarah Tunick
Louis Tunik
Bessie Tunik
Herman Tunick
Jacob Tunick
abt 1825 - ?
3 children
David Samuel (Solomon Shleima) (Davis) Tunick
Lazar Tunick
Bella Tunick
Jacob Horvitz
Goldie Unknown
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To protect privacy, dates and places are omitted for living persons (born after 1925 with no death date).
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