Tunick Family - Tree
Tunick Family - Tree
Tamar Tunick
1 spouse
Unknown Cohen
Yigal Tunick
1941 - 19 Feb 2002
1 spouse 3 children
Bilah Unknown
Tamar Tunick
Amos Tunick
Yoav Tunick
Bilah Unknown
1 spouse 3 children
Yigal Tunick
Tamar Tunick
Amos Tunick
Yoav Tunick
Yitzhak (Yoav, Isaac) Tunik
1911 - 9 Jan 1989
1 spouse 3 children
Mania (Miriam) Milcenzon
Yigal Tunick
Riki (Rivka) Tunik
Bracha (Becky) Tunick
Mania (Miriam) Milcenzon
1913 - 8 Mar 1994
1 spouse 3 children
Yitzhak (Yoav, Isaac) Tunik
Yigal Tunick
Riki (Rivka) Tunik
Bracha (Becky) Tunick
Vulf Azrielevich (Zeev) Tunik
1 Dec 1883 - 1942
Brakha Borsuk
1885 - 1942
Elyokim Milcenzon
1888 - 23 Sep 1942
Feiga Rivka (Tzipora) Tunik
1893 - 1942
Azriel Movshevich Tunik
Sora (Sara) Unknown
Moshe (Meir)(Moises)(Marcus)(Murray) Borsuk
Rivka (Itka) Yehudi Gershuk
Abraham Shmuel Milcenzon
Sarah (Sora) Grunes
Yankel Schleime Tunik
Khava Unknown
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To protect privacy, dates and places are omitted for living persons (born after 1925 with no death date).
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