Tunick Family - Tree
Tunick Family - Tree
Kenny Tunick
Norman Tunick
16 Jul 1916 - 12 May 1963
Evelyn Kiviat
4 Feb 1923 - 28 May 1991
2 spouses 1 child
Norman Tunick
Kenny Tunick
Burton S Kruger
Samuel (Tom) Tunick
15 Apr 1882 - 1925
1 spouse 4 children
Kate (Katherine)(Itkah) Newfeld
Howard (Herman) Joseph Tunick
Gladys Tunick
Norman Tunick
Dorothy Tunick
Kate (Katherine)(Itkah) Newfeld
1 Jan 1886 - 25 Jun 1971
2 spouses 6 children
Samuel (Tom) Tunick
Howard (Herman) Joseph Tunick
Gladys Tunick
Norman Tunick
Dorothy Tunick
Barnet I Sheinberg
Michael Sheinberg
George Sheinberg
Jack Kiviat
1898 - 1964
1 spouse 3 children
Florence Mendlinger
Evelyn Kiviat
Harold Kiviat
Stanley Kiviat
Florence Mendlinger
1901 - 1983
1 spouse 3 children
Jack Kiviat
Evelyn Kiviat
Harold Kiviat
Stanley Kiviat
Morris (Movshe-Aron) Tunick
1858 - ?
Clara (Kunya Feyga) (Kate) (Yetta) Rosen (Rozin)
27 Oct 1869 - 25 Jun 1931
Arthur or Abraham Newfield
Rebecca Rosen
1864 - 9 Jul 1925
Abraham Tunik
Benjamin Rosen
Sarah Unknown
Hyman Rosen
Fannie Unknown
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To protect privacy, dates and places are omitted for living persons (born after 1925 with no death date).
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