Tunick Family - Tree
Tunick Family - Tree
Fred Golub
4 May 1914 - 12 Oct 2000
1 spouse 2 children
Selma Frances Binn
Bonnie Golub
Wendy B. Golub
Louis Golub
15 Mar 1885 - 19 Feb 1957
1 spouse 4 children
Bessie Pauline Tunik
Sylvia Golub
Fred Golub
Bernard (Bebe) S Golub
Gertrude Golub
Bessie Pauline Tunik
1887 - 12 Jan 1929
1 spouse 4 children
Louis Golub
Sylvia Golub
Fred Golub
Bernard (Bebe) S Golub
Gertrude Golub
Abraham Isaac Golub
1840 -
Rifka Sarah Lipkin
1844 -
Israel (Shmuel Zev) Tunick
abt 1857 - 1904
2 spouses 15 children
Gittle (Gussie) Schatz
Ella Berel (Jela Berek) Tunik
Abna Tunick
Bessie Pauline Tunik
Jack (Jacob) Tunik
Abraham Tunick
Louis Tunik
Esther (Eshke) Tunick
Sora Bella Tunik
Yale Tunik
Stella Tunick
Fanny Tunick
Gertie Tunick
Sotz Unknown
Samuel Tunick
Esther (Eshke) Tunick
Abraham Tunick
Gittle (Gussie) Schatz
abt 1857 - ?
1 spouse 12 children
Israel (Shmuel Zev) Tunick
Ella Berel (Jela Berek) Tunik
Abna Tunick
Bessie Pauline Tunik
Jack (Jacob) Tunik
Abraham Tunick
Louis Tunik
Esther (Eshke) Tunick
Sora Bella Tunik
Yale Tunik
Stella Tunick
Fanny Tunick
Gertie Tunick
Afroim Borukhovich (Fred) (Efraim) Tunik
1830 - 1912
Rivka (Rebecca) Printz
1833 - 1890
Yale Abraham Schatz
1833 - 1893
Elka Gruna Edelman
abt 1830 - ?
Boruch (Bernard) Tunik
Sarah Unknown
Israel Printz
Bella Unknown
Borukh Edelman (Ejdelman Edilman)
Esther Rivka Unknown
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To protect privacy, dates and places are omitted for living persons (born after 1925 with no death date).
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