Tunick Family - Tree
Tunick Family - Tree
John Small
Bernard Small
1 spouse 2 children
Sheila H Schatz
John Small
Edward Small
Sheila H Schatz
2 spouses 2 children
Craid Kroll
Bernard Small
John Small
Edward Small
Julius Yale Schatz
20 Nov 1895 - Nov 1958
1 spouse 3 children
Rachel (Rae) Marks
Albert Israel Schatz
Elaine Pearl Schatz
Sheila H Schatz
Rachel (Rae) Marks
5 Feb 1899 - 19 Apr 1990
1 spouse 3 children
Julius Yale Schatz
Albert Israel Schatz
Elaine Pearl Schatz
Sheila H Schatz
Samuel (Shlomo Chaim) (Owsey Yeshoshua) Schatz
27 Nov 1868 - 12 Sep 1928
Rachel Leah (Rose) Tunick
1871 - 2 Dec 1934
Gershon Marks
1842 - 1905
Ida Diana Milstein
1872 - 1941
Yale Abraham Schatz
Elka Gruna Edelman
Afroim Borukhovich (Fred) (Efraim) Tunik
Rivka (Rebecca) Printz
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To protect privacy, dates and places are omitted for living persons (born after 1925 with no death date).
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