Family Card - Tree
Family Card - Tree
Alejandro (Alex) Buder
1 spouse 1 child
Sophie Garcia
Mark Alexander Buder
Luis Buder
- 11 May 1986
1 spouse 2 children
Elena (Elke) Tunick
Rita Ema Buder
Alejandro (Alex) Buder
Elena (Elke) Tunick
1 spouse 2 children
Luis Buder
Rita Ema Buder
Alejandro (Alex) Buder
Abraham Tunick
1890 - 30 Jul 1964
1 spouse 5 children
Rebecca (Rivka) Iakovlevna Rosovsky
Infant Tunik
Rita Tunik
Michael Tunick
Elena (Elke) Tunick
Juanita (Juana) Tunick
Rebecca (Rivka) Iakovlevna Rosovsky
abt 1902 - 8 May 1939
3 spouses 8 children
Abraham Tunick
Infant Tunik
Rita Tunik
Michael Tunick
Elena (Elke) Tunick
Juanita (Juana) Tunick
Samuil Heifetz
“Aric” Samuilovich Heifetz
Yakov Lubyanitsky
Izrail Iakovlevich Lubyanitsky
Rema Iakovlevna Lubyanitsky
Israel (Shmuel Zev) Tunick
abt 1857 - 1904
Gittle (Gussie) Schatz
abt 1857 - ?
Jacob (Yankel) Mikhelev Rosovsky
1870 - 1930
Sorka (Sara) Afroimovna Tunik
1873 or 1853 - 1930
Afroim Borukhovich (Fred) (Efraim) Tunik
Rivka (Rebecca) Printz
Yale Abraham Schatz
Elka Gruna Edelman
Pinchas Rosovsky
Rivka Unknown
Afroim Borukhovich (Fred) (Efraim) Tunik
Rivka (Rebecca) Printz
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To protect privacy, dates and places are omitted for living persons (born after 1925 with no death date).
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