Tunick Family - Tree
Tunick Family - Tree
Arielle E. Warshall
Dr. Steven Lee Warshall
1 spouse 2 children
Arlyn Gordon
Arielle E. Warshall
Case Jennings Warshall
Arlyn Gordon
18 Jun 1946 - 17 May 2017
1 spouse 2 children
Dr. Steven Lee Warshall
Arielle E. Warshall
Case Jennings Warshall
Jack L. Warshall
8 Mar 1912 - 24 Mar 1997
1 spouse 3 children
Evelyn Victor
Michael Jerrold Warshall
Frederick Ira Warshall
Dr. Steven Lee Warshall
Evelyn Victor
7 Dec 1914 - 13 Apr 2013
1 spouse 3 children
Jack L. Warshall
Michael Jerrold Warshall
Frederick Ira Warshall
Dr. Steven Lee Warshall
David Warshall
1880 - 1965
Tillie Blumenfeld
1881 - 1952
Barnett Victor (Wigdorchick)
1869 - 31 Aug 1950
Esther J Tunik
1878 - 3 Aug 1964
Bernard Wigdorchick
Eva Unknown
Afroim Borukhovich (Fred) (Efraim) Tunik
Rivka (Rebecca) Printz
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To protect privacy, dates and places are omitted for living persons (born after 1925 with no death date).
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