Tunick Family - Tree
Tunick Family - Tree
Willy Schlein
Bruce Maxwell Schlein
1 spouse 2 children
Alice Donner
Willy Schlein
Eric Schlein
Alice Donner
1 spouse 2 children
Bruce Maxwell Schlein
Willy Schlein
Eric Schlein
David Schlein
22 Aug 1907 - 23 May 1971
1 spouse 3 children
Sylvia Golub
Bruce Maxwell Schlein
Martin Leonard Schlein
Betsy Caren Schlein
Sylvia Golub
22 Dec 1912 - 6 Apr 1996
1 spouse 3 children
David Schlein
Bruce Maxwell Schlein
Martin Leonard Schlein
Betsy Caren Schlein
Harry A Donner
Birdie Weiner
Morris Schlein
1877 - 1938
Celia Malev
1882 - 1946
Louis Golub
15 Mar 1885 - 19 Feb 1957
Bessie Pauline Tunik
1887 - 12 Jan 1929
Abraham Isaac Golub
Rifka Sarah Lipkin
Israel (Shmuel Zev) Tunick
Gittle (Gussie) Schatz
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To protect privacy, dates and places are omitted for living persons (born after 1925 with no death date).
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