Tunick Family - Tree
Tunick Family - Tree
Dana Shertz
1 spouse 1 child
Marilyn Lineau
Sara Nicole Shertz
Max Shertz
1 spouse 4 children
Edith May Tunick
Marla Shertz
Dana Shertz
Nilda Shertz
Joshua Shertz
Edith May Tunick
2 spouses 4 children
Max Shertz
Marla Shertz
Dana Shertz
Nilda Shertz
Joshua Shertz
Rick Donald Barry
Louis Tunick (Tunik)
1899 - 6 May 1945
1 spouse 2 children
Sophie Chaplik
Edith May Tunick
Larry Tunick
Sophie Chaplik
1 Jan 1908 - 16 Nov 1990
1 spouse 2 children
Louis Tunick (Tunik)
Edith May Tunick
Larry Tunick
Jacob Tunick
1864 or 20 Sep 1871 - 7 Apr 1940
Ida (Edith or Itka or Rose) Plothoff (Platkev)
1871 - 20 Jan 1931
Moshe (Morris) Chaplik
15 May 1882 - 11 Mar 1952
Clara Saras (Soireff)
15 Apr 1885 - 17 Apr 1951
Zalman Tunik
Styra (or Basya ?) Unknown
Isaac Zer Plothoff
Malca (Walca) Unknown
Unknown Silverberg
Unknown Soireff
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To protect privacy, dates and places are omitted for living persons (born after 1925 with no death date).
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