Tunick Family - Tree
Tunick Family - Tree
Roger L Frankel
1 spouse
Betty Unknown
Louis Max Frankel
14 Jan 1909 - 5 Aug 1968
1 spouse 3 children
Sara Betty Seltzer
Bennett Frankel
Charlotte E Frankel
Roger L Frankel
Sara Betty Seltzer
14 May 1912 - 29 Dec 2002
2 spouses 3 children
Abraham Tunick
Louis Max Frankel
Bennett Frankel
Charlotte E Frankel
Roger L Frankel
Benjamin Frank Zion Frankel
1881 - 1939
1 spouse 3 children
Flora Alpert
Louis Max Frankel
Bessie Frankel
Estelle Frankel
Flora Alpert
1886 - 1958
1 spouse 3 children
Benjamin Frank Zion Frankel
Louis Max Frankel
Bessie Frankel
Estelle Frankel
Simon Seltzer
1867 - 1925
1 spouse 3 children
Rebecca Herman
Sara Betty Seltzer
Harry Seltzer
Morris Seltzer
Rebecca Herman
1873 - 1944
1 spouse 3 children
Simon Seltzer
Sara Betty Seltzer
Harry Seltzer
Morris Seltzer
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To protect privacy, dates and places are omitted for living persons (born after 1925 with no death date).
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