Tunick Family - Tree
Tunick Family - Tree
Michael Krieger
1 spouse 1 child
Judy Unknown
Rex Krieger
Edward Joseph Krieger
1932 - ?
1 spouse 3 children
Donna Francis Gaynor
Stephen Krieger
Michael Krieger
Denice Shari Krieger
Donna Francis Gaynor
1 spouse 3 children
Edward Joseph Krieger
Stephen Krieger
Michael Krieger
Denice Shari Krieger
Hyman Norman Goldberg (Yobo) -> Gaynor
14 Jun 1908 - 28 Oct 1994
1 spouse 3 children
Betty (Rebecca ) Fried
Donna Francis Gaynor
Rochelle (Shelly) Linda Gaynor
Bruce Ellis Gaynor
Betty (Rebecca ) Fried
8 Apr 1909 - 31 Oct 2004
1 spouse 3 children
Hyman Norman Goldberg (Yobo) -> Gaynor
Donna Francis Gaynor
Rochelle (Shelly) Linda Gaynor
Bruce Ellis Gaynor
Louis Goldberg
1882 - 1950
Dora Weinstine
1887 - 1933
Samuel Fried
25 May 1885 - 2 Nov 1958
Devora (Dora) Tunick
1886 - 23 Oct 1959
Menasche Fried
Sivia Rodolff
Afroim Borukhovich (Fred) (Efraim) Tunik
Rivka (Rebecca) Printz
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To protect privacy, dates and places are omitted for living persons (born after 1925 with no death date).
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