Tunick Family - Tree
Tunick Family - Tree
Milton Ellis Broude
3 May 1936 - 17 Jul 2016
1 spouse 2 children
Eva Bojman
Steven Glen Broude
Michael Broude
John D Broude
21 Aug 1908 - 29 Nov 1992
1 spouse 2 children
Evelyn (Eve) G Tunick
Marlene Phyllis Broude
Milton Ellis Broude
Evelyn (Eve) G Tunick
15 Apr 1909 - 23 Jul 2008
1 spouse 2 children
John D Broude
Marlene Phyllis Broude
Milton Ellis Broude
Jacob Broude
Jul 1863 - 22 Feb 1940
1 spouse 13 children
Ethel Kaplan (Cohen)
Sophie Broude
Harry Broude
Joseph Broude
Hattie Broude
David Broude
Minnie Broude
Lillian Broude
Dorothy Broude
Morris L Broude
John D Broude
Albert Broude
Samuel Broude
Anita Broude
Ethel Kaplan (Cohen)
Aug 1867 - 25 Mar 1946
1 spouse 13 children
Jacob Broude
Sophie Broude
Harry Broude
Joseph Broude
Hattie Broude
David Broude
Minnie Broude
Lillian Broude
Dorothy Broude
Morris L Broude
John D Broude
Albert Broude
Samuel Broude
Anita Broude
Morris (Movsha) Abramovitch Tunik
15 Mar 1875 - 16 Feb 1926
1 spouse 6 children
Sophia Kaplan
Motel Tunick
Dorothy (Dora) Tunik
Lillian Tunick
Evelyn (Eve) G Tunick
Phillip Sinclair Tunick
Francis (Faygie) Tunick
Sophia Kaplan
8 Oct 1877 - 14 Jan 1961
1 spouse 6 children
Morris (Movsha) Abramovitch Tunik
Motel Tunick
Dorothy (Dora) Tunik
Lillian Tunick
Evelyn (Eve) G Tunick
Phillip Sinclair Tunick
Francis (Faygie) Tunick
Moishe Broude
1832 - 1907
Dora Fleisher
1835 - 1902
Yakov (Jacob) Kaplan (Cohen)
1815 - 1885
Leah HaCohen
1820 - 1920
Abram Tunik
1847 - ?
Dubba (Khava) Unknown
1848 - ?
Mordechai (Max) Kaplan
1830 -
Faygie Berkowitz
1830 -
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To protect privacy, dates and places are omitted for living persons (born after 1925 with no death date).
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