Tunick Family - Tree
Tunick Family - Tree
Jonathan A. Goldstein PhD
19 Jul 1929 - 1 Dec 2004
1 spouse 2 children
Helen Charlotte Tunick
Rise Belle Goldstein
Rachael Goldstein
David Aaron Goldstein
29 Aug 1902 - 7 Jul 1990
1 spouse 3 children
Rose Frances (Reve) Berman
Jonathan A. Goldstein PhD
Alexander Menahem Goldstein
Jeremy E Goldstein
Rose Frances (Reve) Berman
19 Mar 1904 - 24 Dec 1984
1 spouse 3 children
David Aaron Goldstein
Jonathan A. Goldstein PhD
Alexander Menahem Goldstein
Jeremy E Goldstein
Zigmund Goldstein
1874 -
1 spouse 5 children
Rebecca Shapiro
David Aaron Goldstein
Julius Goldstein
Louis Goldstein
Dorothy Goldstein
Toney Goldstein
Rebecca Shapiro
1880 -
1 spouse 5 children
Zigmund Goldstein
David Aaron Goldstein
Julius Goldstein
Louis Goldstein
Dorothy Goldstein
Toney Goldstein
Alexander M. Berman
1866 - 1931
1 spouse 4 children
Sarah Rachel Cohen
Rose Frances (Reve) Berman
William Berman
Theodore Berman
Reuben Berman
Sarah Rachel Cohen
1882 - 1947
1 spouse 4 children
Alexander M. Berman
Rose Frances (Reve) Berman
William Berman
Theodore Berman
Reuben Berman
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To protect privacy, dates and places are omitted for living persons (born after 1925 with no death date).
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