Tunick Family - Tree
Tunick Family - Tree
Yair Ben Assa
Michael Ben Assa
1 spouse 3 children
Relly or Rachelle Podlishuk
Yair Ben Assa
Na’ama Ben Assa
Daniel Ben Assa
Relly or Rachelle Podlishuk
1 spouse 3 children
Michael Ben Assa
Yair Ben Assa
Na’ama Ben Assa
Daniel Ben Assa
Assia (Isaak) Podlishuk
14 Aug 1914 - 11 Nov 1982
1 spouse 2 children
Naomi [Nanny] Kaplan
Meira Podlishuk
Relly or Rachelle Podlishuk
Naomi [Nanny] Kaplan
1923 - Sep 2017
1 spouse 2 children
Assia (Isaak) Podlishuk
Meira Podlishuk
Relly or Rachelle Podlishuk
Max (Motve Or Markus) Podlishuk
13 Sep 1883 - 1947
Vera Tunik
10 Jul 1892 - 20 Feb 1962
Samuel (Shmuel) Kaplan
1897 - 1944
Rebekka (Rivka) Ellert
1892 - 1944
Boris Jacob Podlaszuk
Leah Halpern
Boris (Borukh Davidovich) Tunik
Rakhil Leah Solomonovna Rabel
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To protect privacy, dates and places are omitted for living persons (born after 1925 with no death date).
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