Tunick Family - Tree
Tunick Family - Tree
Mordechai Sonkin
abt 1863 - ?
1 child
Tillie Sonkin
Chonen (Charles)(Chuni) Sonkin
Nov 1841 - 29 Aug 1924
2 spouses 12 children
Schulman Basha (Bessie)
Mary (Miri) Sonkin
Louis Sonkin
George (Gedalje) Sonkin
Emma Sonkin
Ruchel (Rosie) Listernik (Lusternik) (Miller)
Chana Sonkin
Mordechai Sonkin
Nathan Sonkin
Wolf Sonkin
Philip Sonkin
Rebecca Sonkin
Jake Sonkin
Yettie Sonkin
Ruchel (Rosie) Listernik (Lusternik) (Miller)
- abt 1880
1 spouse 8 children
Chonen (Charles)(Chuni) Sonkin
Chana Sonkin
Mordechai Sonkin
Nathan Sonkin
Wolf Sonkin
Philip Sonkin
Rebecca Sonkin
Jake Sonkin
Yettie Sonkin
Nathan Sonkin
abt 1820 -
1 spouse 3 children
Ella Tunick
Chonen (Charles)(Chuni) Sonkin
Sarah (Soche, Sosie) Sonkin
David Barnet Sonkin
Ella Tunick
abt 1820 - ?
3 spouses 5 children
Samuel Botwinick
Sarah (Mama Shusha) Barnet
David Touvia Barnet (Botwinick)
Nathan Sonkin
Chonen (Charles)(Chuni) Sonkin
Sarah (Soche, Sosie) Sonkin
David Barnet Sonkin
Klein Ellentuch
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To protect privacy, dates and places are omitted for living persons (born after 1925 with no death date).
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