Tunick Family - Tree
Tunick Family - Tree
Stanie Martha Cohen
3 spouses
Ray Gibran Abdun-Nur
George F Benz
Lars Martin Forsman
Harry Aaron Cohen
20 Dec 1917 - 11 Dec 1993
1 spouse 2 children
Abigale Esther Goodman
Stanie Martha Cohen
Joseph D Cohen
Abigale Esther Goodman
21 Oct 1920 - 13 Nov 2021
1 spouse 2 children
Harry Aaron Cohen
Stanie Martha Cohen
Joseph D Cohen
Joseph David Cohen
1881 - 1935
1 spouse 2 children
Anna Kalb Green (Dworkin)
Harry Aaron Cohen
Helen Cohen
Anna Kalb Green (Dworkin)
1890 - 1963
1 spouse 2 children
Joseph David Cohen
Harry Aaron Cohen
Helen Cohen
Homer B Goodman
1893 - 1964
1 spouse 2 children
Rose Goldfinger Grossman, Shuman
Abigale Esther Goodman
Florence Goodman
Rose Goldfinger Grossman, Shuman
1891 - 1989
1 spouse 2 children
Homer B Goodman
Abigale Esther Goodman
Florence Goodman
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To protect privacy, dates and places are omitted for living persons (born after 1925 with no death date).
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