Tunick Family - Tree
Tunick Family - Tree
David Wallace Lea
1 spouse
Louise Harumi Lofquist
Rudolph Lea
7 May 1923 - ?
1 spouse 3 children
Ruth Hanna Jacobson
Joshua Henry Lea
David Wallace Lea
Jennifer Nhut Lea
Ruth Hanna Jacobson
1 spouse 3 children
Rudolph Lea
Joshua Henry Lea
David Wallace Lea
Jennifer Nhut Lea
Waldemar Liachowsky->Lae
5 Aug 1874 - 14 Apr 1958
2 spouses 4 children
Paula Lewin
Heinz Artur (Henry A. Lea) Liachowsky
Rudolph Lea
Miriam Blum Heidelberger
Henry Arthur Liachowsky->Lae
Rudolph Liachowsky->Lae
Paula Lewin
12 Mar 1887 - 4 Sep 1931
1 spouse 2 children
Waldemar Liachowsky->Lae
Heinz Artur (Henry A. Lea) Liachowsky
Rudolph Lea
Abraham Josef Liachowsky
2 Aug 1849 - 3 Jan 1913
Perle (Paulina) Tunick
13 Jan 1850 - 11 Aug 1937
Eiser (Auser) Liachowsky
Minna Golde Tunick
Gendel (Hendel) Mikhelevich Tunik
Chaia Gittel Unknown
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To protect privacy, dates and places are omitted for living persons (born after 1925 with no death date).
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