Tunick Family - Tree
Tunick Family - Tree
Jeffrey Mark Gross
Stanley Gross
30 Aug 1929 - 7 Nov 1994
Gloria Helen Glickman
15 Aug 1933 - 30 Dec 2016
2 spouses 1 child
Stanley Gross
Jeffrey Mark Gross
Edward George Rapp
Morris Gross
1894 - 1947
1 spouse 2 children
Ethel Sloser
Stanley Gross
Leon Gross
Ethel Sloser
1901 -
1 spouse 2 children
Morris Gross
Stanley Gross
Leon Gross
Charles Herman Glickman
25 Oct 1902 - 9 Feb 1973
1 spouse 2 children
Lottie (Zlotka) Tunick
Joan Frances Glickman
Gloria Helen Glickman
Lottie (Zlotka) Tunick
6 May 1905 - 16 Mar 1997
1 spouse 2 children
Charles Herman Glickman
Joan Frances Glickman
Gloria Helen Glickman
Lewis Glickman
1867 - 1938
Rebecca Fertig
1868 - 1935
Charles (Khatskel) Sholomovich Tunik
8 Mar 1876 - 19 Jun 1941
Anna (Eshka Navagrutsky) Rudzitsky (Penchansky)
1 Jul 1881 - 18 Aug 1968
Sholem Tunik
Diana Bass
Menasha Rudzitsky
Fruma Penchansky
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To protect privacy, dates and places are omitted for living persons (born after 1925 with no death date).
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