Tunick Family - Tree
Tunick Family - Tree
Hallie Marie Tunick
Darry Jay Tunick
1 spouse 4 children
Kathryn Elaine Kimble M.D.
Hallie Marie Tunick
Lara Ann Tunick
Keira Lynn Tunick
Darry Alexander Jay Tunick
Kathryn Elaine Kimble M.D.
24 Jan 1973 - 2 Jan 2011
1 spouse 4 children
Darry Jay Tunick
Hallie Marie Tunick
Lara Ann Tunick
Keira Lynn Tunick
Darry Alexander Jay Tunick
Joseph Tunick
22 May 1921 - 8 Sep 1994
3 spouses 6 children
Hannah Fruchter
Jerry Tunick
Margarita McGivern-McLoughlin Gonzalez
Terry Tunick
Ada Tunick
Louis Irogen Tunick
Madeline Ortiz
Darry Jay Tunick
Tina Marie Tunick
Madeline Ortiz
1 spouse 2 children
Joseph Tunick
Darry Jay Tunick
Tina Marie Tunick
Arthur E Kimble
Kathryn Kleingardner
Benjamin Tunik
15 Apr 1892 - 12 Apr 1978
Pauline (Bessie) Rolbin (Roblin)
1893 - 23 Oct 1975
Max (Motel) Tunik
Mary Klutch
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To protect privacy, dates and places are omitted for living persons (born after 1925 with no death date).
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