Tunick Family - Tree
Tunick Family - Tree
Molly Bluma Miron
13 Jul 1928 - 20 Jul 1960
Harry (Hersch) Miron (Mirotchnick)
10 Jul 1883 - 2 Jun 1968
Jessie Hessie (Essie Yalchuk) Chaskin
18 Mar 1885 - 21 Jul 1974
Geneadel Mikhlarski
1855 - Jun 1930
Ester Frida Unknown
1837 - 1887
Hershel Miklyarski
1816 - 1882
Clicking on this symbol (if present) displays an ancestral graph.

To protect privacy, dates and places are omitted for living persons (born after 1925 with no death date).

Additions and corrections may be sent to atunick@roadrunner.com.