Tunick Family - Tree
Tunick Family - Tree
Agnes Patricia Bertie Meadows
6 Jan 1911 - 9 May 1977
1 spouse
Robert Davis Larimer
Robert William Fletcher Meadows
17 Jun 1886 - 30 Nov 1961
1 spouse 3 children
Agnes Melvin
Agnes Patricia Bertie Meadows
Josephine Meadows
Harry Melvin Meadows
Agnes Melvin
19 Jan 1884 - 6 Mar 1957
1 spouse 3 children
Robert William Fletcher Meadows
Agnes Patricia Bertie Meadows
Josephine Meadows
Harry Melvin Meadows
Robert William Meadows
1856 -
Adaleine Louise Fletcher
1867 - 1908
Patrick John Melvin
1 spouse 5 children
Julia Walsh
Agnes Melvin
Pauline Melvin
Elizabeth Melvin
Vincent Melvin
James Melvin
Julia Walsh
1852 - 1908
1 spouse 5 children
Patrick John Melvin
Agnes Melvin
Pauline Melvin
Elizabeth Melvin
Vincent Melvin
James Melvin
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To protect privacy, dates and places are omitted for living persons (born after 1925 with no death date).
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