Tunick Family - Tree
Tunick Family - Tree
Jacqueline Anne Marlowe
1 spouse
Unknown Rosenberg
Karl (Kalmon) Marlowe (Malofsky)
23 Mar 1896 - 8 Oct 1981
1 spouse 2 children
Lena (Lillian) Yucht
Jacqueline Anne Marlowe
Vivian Marlowe
Lena (Lillian) Yucht
4 Oct 1898 - 10 Oct 1996
1 spouse 2 children
Karl (Kalmon) Marlowe (Malofsky)
Jacqueline Anne Marlowe
Vivian Marlowe
Solomon Marlow (Malofsky)
George (Godel) Yucht
15 Oct 1872 - 10 Oct 1947
1 spouse 7 children
Eva Papa Zotovlofsky
Lena (Lillian) Yucht
Sophie Yucht
Anna Yucht
Joseph Yucht (Young)
Jeannette Sylvia Yucht
Jack (Jacob) Yucht -> Young
Martin (Mordy) Yucht -> Young
Eva Papa Zotovlofsky
2 Oct 1875 - May 1974
1 spouse 7 children
George (Godel) Yucht
Lena (Lillian) Yucht
Sophie Yucht
Anna Yucht
Joseph Yucht (Young)
Jeannette Sylvia Yucht
Jack (Jacob) Yucht -> Young
Martin (Mordy) Yucht -> Young
Joseph Yucht
Kraina Unknown
Iseral Yankn Papa
Chai Sarah Unknown
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To protect privacy, dates and places are omitted for living persons (born after 1925 with no death date).
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