Tunick Family - Tree
Tunick Family - Tree
Murray Rockowitz
1920 - 2002
Irving Moe (Isaac) Rockowitz
14 Dec 1887 - 18 Mar 1949
2 spouses 4 children
Rose Cooper
Murray Rockowitz
Benjamin Rockowitz
Stella Forman
Seymour Benjamin Rockowitz
Murray Rockowitz
Rose Cooper
22 May 1898 - 17 Aug 1970
3 spouses 2 children
Isadore S Silberman
Irving Moe (Isaac) Rockowitz
Murray Rockowitz
Benjamin Rockowitz
Alex Rochlin
Morris (Moshe) Rockowitz
Ida Yetta Etke Schechatowitz (Schecht)
1866 - 1948
Morris Cooper
abt 1874 - 28 Apr 1926
1 spouse 6 children
Mary Halper (Casper)
Rose Cooper
Lillian Cooper
William Cooper
Ida Cooper
Fannie (Bobbie) Cooper
Leon Cooper
Mary Halper (Casper)
1 Sep 1874 - 14 Sep 1970
1 spouse 6 children
Morris Cooper
Rose Cooper
Lillian Cooper
William Cooper
Ida Cooper
Fannie (Bobbie) Cooper
Leon Cooper
Moshe Aaron Halper
1854 -
Basha Unknown
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To protect privacy, dates and places are omitted for living persons (born after 1925 with no death date).
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