Tunick Family - Tree
Tunick Family - Tree
Sol L Ginsberg->Guild
15 Jan 1918 - 30 Mar 1988
Isador Ginsberg
- 6 Oct 1967
1 spouse 4 children
Bessie Leibovitz (Loebewitch)
Lewis Ginsberg
Abraham Ginsberg
Sol L Ginsberg->Guild
Adeline (Ida) Ginsberg
Bessie Leibovitz (Loebewitch)
18 Feb 1888 - 7 Feb 1930
2 spouses 8 children
Isadore (Izie) Ginsburg
Solomon L Ginsburg -> Guild
Louis Ginsburg
Abraham Ginsburg
Adeline (Ida) Ginsburg
Isador Ginsberg
Lewis Ginsberg
Abraham Ginsberg
Sol L Ginsberg->Guild
Adeline (Ida) Ginsberg
Henry (Aaron Hirsh ) Ginsberg
1875 - 11 Jun 1923
1 spouse 8 children
Fannie Pokost
Charles (Szajke) Ginsberg -> Bergan
Isador Ginsberg
Ruth Ginsberg
Gertrude Ginsberg
Marla Ginsberg
Bessie Ginsberg
Morris Ginsberg
Belle Ginsberg
Fannie Pokost
1876 - 9 Dec 1935
1 spouse 8 children
Henry (Aaron Hirsh ) Ginsberg
Charles (Szajke) Ginsberg -> Bergan
Isador Ginsberg
Ruth Ginsberg
Gertrude Ginsberg
Marla Ginsberg
Bessie Ginsberg
Morris Ginsberg
Belle Ginsberg
Samuel Leibovitz (Laybotiz)
1865 - 4 Feb 1953
1 spouse 9 children
Gietel (Gussie) Parkowitz (Laybotiz)
Bessie Leibovitz (Loebewitch)
Molly Rebecca Leibovitz
Fanny Leibovitz
Rose Leibovitz
Benjamin Leibovitz (Laybotiz)
Nathan Leibovitz (Laybotiz)
Jacob Leibovitz (Laybotiz)
Jennie Leibovitz (Laybotiz)
Morris Leibovitz (Laybotiz)
Gietel (Gussie) Parkowitz (Laybotiz)
1865 - 1950
1 spouse 9 children
Samuel Leibovitz (Laybotiz)
Bessie Leibovitz (Loebewitch)
Molly Rebecca Leibovitz
Fanny Leibovitz
Rose Leibovitz
Benjamin Leibovitz (Laybotiz)
Nathan Leibovitz (Laybotiz)
Jacob Leibovitz (Laybotiz)
Jennie Leibovitz (Laybotiz)
Morris Leibovitz (Laybotiz)
Sholem Ginsberg
Rachel Unknown
Yitzhak (Isaac, Israel) Pokost
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To protect privacy, dates and places are omitted for living persons (born after 1925 with no death date).
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