Tunick Family - Tree
Tunick Family - Tree
Hazel E Schindler
1930 - 1988
Charles Edward Schindler
29 Sep 1898 - 15 Oct 1969
3 spouses 7 children
Clara Ethel Levy (Bermond)
Thelma Clara Schindler
Helen Gertrude Schindler
Ernestine Schindler
Rose E Leahy
Helen Gertrude Schindler
Verna Frances Shiflet
Carl William (Mike) Schindler
Hazel E Schindler
Kay Frances Schindler
Verna Frances Shiflet
25 Jun 1901 - 24 Apr 1986
3 spouses 7 children
Charles Edward Schindler
Carl William (Mike) Schindler
Hazel E Schindler
Kay Frances Schindler
Bluford J F Johnson
Artis Hartman Johnson
Eva Pearl Johnson
Roy Edward Johnson
Earl Thomas Johnson
Samuel Edward Patton
Alvin Schindler
1866 -
1 spouse 2 children
Marie Sophie Hoffman
Charles Edward Schindler
Lillian Schindler
Marie Sophie Hoffman
1875 - 1927
1 spouse 2 children
Alvin Schindler
Charles Edward Schindler
Lillian Schindler
Milly F Unknown
1861 -
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To protect privacy, dates and places are omitted for living persons (born after 1925 with no death date).
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