Tunick Family - Tree
Tunick Family - Tree
Kate Trustin
1873 - 1969
1 spouse
Unknown Eichner
Martin (Max) (Mautel) Trustin
Jun 1857 - 1 Oct 1934
1 spouse 7 children
Golda (Goldie) Cherniss
Bertha (Birdie) Trosten
Kate Trustin
Edith Trustin
Harry Trustin
Freda Trustin
Edward Trustin
Neomi Trustin
Golda (Goldie) Cherniss
Sep 1855 - 26 Feb 1949
1 spouse 7 children
Martin (Max) (Mautel) Trustin
Bertha (Birdie) Trosten
Kate Trustin
Edith Trustin
Harry Trustin
Freda Trustin
Edward Trustin
Neomi Trustin
Nachman Pedrachic Trustinetsky
1825 - 1898
Baila Schainholtz
1827 - 1873
Aryah Leib (Harry Louis) Cherniss (Czerny)
1800 - 1889
1 spouse 5 children
Frayda (Freida) levin
Julius (Yoel Morton) Cherniss (Czerny)
Charna Cherniss
Benjamin D Cherniss (Czerny)
Golda (Goldie) Cherniss
Esther Merriam Cherniss (Czerny)
Frayda (Freida) levin
1805 - 1892
1 spouse 5 children
Aryah Leib (Harry Louis) Cherniss (Czerny)
Julius (Yoel Morton) Cherniss (Czerny)
Charna Cherniss
Benjamin D Cherniss (Czerny)
Golda (Goldie) Cherniss
Esther Merriam Cherniss (Czerny)
Charna Unknown
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To protect privacy, dates and places are omitted for living persons (born after 1925 with no death date).
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