Tunick Family - Tree
Tunick Family - Tree
Mary Ellen Hodes
Phillip Jacob Hodes
15 Apr 1906 - 24 Jul 1995
1 spouse 2 children
Natalie Jane Lansing
Barton Lyle Hodes
Mary Ellen Hodes
Natalie Jane Lansing
12 Jun 1911 - 13 Jul 1982
1 spouse 2 children
Phillip Jacob Hodes
Barton Lyle Hodes
Mary Ellen Hodes
Jacob J (Gerson) Hodes
1878 - 13 Nov 1959
1 spouse 3 children
Rose R Cohen
Phillip Jacob Hodes
Sadie j Hodes
Lillian J Hodes
Rose R Cohen
1885 - Feb 1960
1 spouse 3 children
Jacob J (Gerson) Hodes
Phillip Jacob Hodes
Sadie j Hodes
Lillian J Hodes
Nathan Lifshutz
1881 - 1949
1 spouse 2 children
Louise (Lizzie) Zelinsky
Natalie Jane Lansing
Edith Lifshutz
Louise (Lizzie) Zelinsky
1889 - 1950
1 spouse 2 children
Nathan Lifshutz
Natalie Jane Lansing
Edith Lifshutz
Ph Hodes (Hades)
Deaphky Krodma
Max Cohen
Merry Blahachensky
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To protect privacy, dates and places are omitted for living persons (born after 1925 with no death date).
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