Tunick Family - Tree
Tunick Family - Tree
Norton P Remes
Ely Remes (Remeschnitzky)
6 Dec 1903 - 25 Apr 2001
2 spouses 2 children
Julia Polokoff
Norton P Remes
Edna Leona Dofforin
Larry Sanford Solomon
Julia Polokoff
1909 - 1970
Joseph Zeisel Remes (Remesnitzsky)
1 Apr 1870 - 30 Oct 1961
3 spouses 10 children
Dorothy (Dora) Tunik
Faygie Marcia Remes
Anne (Mary) Winick (Smith)
Pauline Remes
Lena Remes
Ely Remes (Remeschnitzky)
Abraham Remes
Florence Remes
Jacob (John) Remes
Sara Remes
Rebecca Bespaloff (Umanski)
Jack Remes
Sarah Remes
Anne (Mary) Winick (Smith)
1 Mar 1876 - 9 Feb 1928
1 spouse 7 children
Joseph Zeisel Remes (Remesnitzsky)
Pauline Remes
Lena Remes
Ely Remes (Remeschnitzky)
Abraham Remes
Florence Remes
Jacob (John) Remes
Sara Remes
Nathan Polokoff
1877 -
1 spouse 2 children
Sarah Zaroff
Julia Polokoff
Minnie Polokoff
Sarah Zaroff
1884 - 1965
2 spouses 2 children
Nathan Polokoff
Julia Polokoff
Minnie Polokoff
Charles Myrowitz
Abraham Remesnitzsky
1830 - ?
Faygie (Florence) Caminetsky (Barman)
abt 1830 - ?
Nathan G Winick
Rebecca E. Siegel
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To protect privacy, dates and places are omitted for living persons (born after 1925 with no death date).
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