Tunick Family - Tree
Tunick Family - Tree
Harlene Slaughter
Samuel L Slaughter
11 Apr 1906 - 3 Feb 1989
1 spouse 2 children
Sarah Simon
Finette H Slaughter
Harlene Slaughter
Sarah Simon
29 Jan 1910 - 25 Aug 1991
1 spouse 2 children
Samuel L Slaughter
Finette H Slaughter
Harlene Slaughter
Meyer (Mier) Skleiderovich (Slaughter)
1860 - 1968
1 spouse 5 children
Rosa (Rasha-Gidia) Winn
Samuel L Slaughter
Jake Slaughter
Morris Slaughter
Hena Slaughter
Rachel Slaughter
Rosa (Rasha-Gidia) Winn
1872 -
1 spouse 5 children
Meyer (Mier) Skleiderovich (Slaughter)
Samuel L Slaughter
Jake Slaughter
Morris Slaughter
Hena Slaughter
Rachel Slaughter
Hyman Simon
10 Sep 1874 - 1 Jan 1937
2 spouses 9 children
Bessie Orliansky
David Lester Simon
Ada Juliet Simon
Sarah Simon
Isadore Simon
Annie Simon
May Simon
Fannie Eosem
Mary Simon
Sarah Simon
Isadore Simon
Fannie Eosem
1874 - 16 Sep 1913
1 spouse 3 children
Hyman Simon
Mary Simon
Sarah Simon
Isadore Simon
Isadore Simon
Anna Goldman
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To protect privacy, dates and places are omitted for living persons (born after 1925 with no death date).
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